Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Is it the 29th yet?

I clearly don't hate it here, I've actually had an awesome time. But now, I find myself, praying that it's over soon! This intense desire has little to do with Georgia and 100% based on the fact that I miss home... A LOT! After 1001 complications with my flight, and then having to cancel my very much anticipated Christmas trip to Rome, all I want is to be home for Christmas with my family. But clearly, that is not happening because my flight is for the 29th. To make myself feel a little better, I have resorted to retail therapy. Not a great idea on my "salary". Despite that, I am exhausted, depressed, and extremely anxious. The worst part of all is that I cannot exactly hide how I feel. (I've always had that issue). Therefore, I am positive my host family can sense that something is wrong. The last thing that I want is to make them feel like I'm not happy being here with them. I hate being like this, I feel like a little brat who is just whining because she didn't get what she wanted. But oh well, this is exactly how I feel. I'm not even that upset about Rome anymore (I was devastated for a day, then I got over it). Now, all I want is to show up at my mom's doorstep and surprise her on Christmas Eve, or sometime before that.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<<<------- (me venting.)

I guess the 29th is not a year away, but it sure does feel like it to me. There is nothing left for me to do then be patient and enjoy my last two weeks in Georgia.

Boo :(

1 comment:

  1. hello are you still in georgia? well I would agree if you experienced staring all the times? lols....dont know what is wrong with them and simply can't why.. somebody explained to me about the starring and all that, it is uncomfortable but realistically we cannot please everybody and tell the reason why we are in their country or what the hell are we doing here...nobody will understand unless you explain them or pull my balls and smash them in their face....
